₪150 כולל מע"מ
Mia Luce Blanc 2023 is based on Colombard (95%) and a hint of Sauvignon Blanc (5%), nurtured and cultivated in a carefully chosen Galilee plots. Mature vines growing on Limestone and Basalt stony soil.
Both grape varieties were harvested in the course of August 2023 and fermented separately in low temperature in order to preserve aromas, finesse, unique characteristics and oenologist style. The Sauvignon Blanc grapes fermented as whole clusters in order to enhance floral aroma in the final wine.
Following the separate fermentations the varieties were blended into a homogenous blend, and continue to mature in large French oak barrels (500 liter) for another 12 months. In terms of white wines, a match between the barrels’ manufacturer and the specific grape variety are critical in order to achieve aspired finesse, restraint, saltiness and elegance.
The wine portion held in the stainless-steel tank formed an important part of the final blend and maintained crisp citrus fruit characteristics. The mere 11% alcohol ratio level conveys a clear oenologist style aspiring to express growth regions, variety characteristics, freshness and mainly elegance, balance and wine-food harmony.